The mere word written in capital letters strikes me as somewhat ugly in appearance. Division by definition is a “disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility”. Estrangement. Mathematically, by principle, it is taking something away, or separating in parts. I much prefer wholeness, agreement and unity, corny as that may be.
Independent thought and being able to live on one’s own, does not also have to mean, without input or reliance on and from, others. When two individuals take a chance to move beyond the safety of their known and separate worlds and decide to join forces, it doesn’t mean they cease to be uniquely individual; it means they now have an ally to assist in fighting the battles of life as well as a partner to celebrate the jubilations of surviving and overcoming those conflicts. You are not half of one or divided; you have multiplied the fullness of what makes you, you.
It is in those developing first weeks and months of a new courtship that dating becomes a relationship and commitment becomes allegiance. That is when young love is born of eager anticipation, almost blind tolerance, and you can’t wait to hear that captivating voice on the other end of the line because you realize over to your own amazement that this one person finally and insurmountably, gets you.
Outside of marriage and in the broader sense of a community, wouldn’t it be generous to treat total strangers with the benefit of the doubt and believe that they too, lead lives filled with family and connectivity, shared intimacies of both beauty and heartache, and perhaps as a result, we could understand the concept of laying down one’s life for a friend in hopes that maybe one day one would do the same for us? Oh, that we would lay down our busy lives, and our phones, to be there for someone who just needed to know we too, were allies, humans sharing equal hardship and existence even the midst of unshared opinions and beliefs. We are better together.
Bonds are created when we are vulnerable enough to trust another with frailties and fears, secret dreams and hidden talents. Life is so much more vibrant when you live “for and with” than merely exist, alienated in the exercise of being so independent. That is a burden not worth carrying. At the risk of sounding like an ATT commercial, I hope you’ll reach out and touch someone today, in a literal sense. Someone is really needing a touch of a hand, a hug or a hello. I’ll bet you do, too.
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. – Winston S. Churchill
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. – Eccl. 4:12
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