Kindred Oaks proudly presents its
Twogether in Texas classes!
In its quest to be ever Life Changing, Kindred Oaks offers a Map for Marriage class several times per year. The workshop covers real life situations and various topics like conflict resolution, family dynamics, in-laws, finance, intimacy, friendship groups, cultural differences, respect, expectations, habits and hobbies, children and even holiday traditions. It is very informative, low key, secular, and taught in a group format. Space is limited so contact us ASAP if you’d like to take advantage! Upon completion of the 8 hour class, the State of Texas will waive the 72-hour waiting period and provide a discount of $60 off its marriage license fee.
Comments from recent participants:
“Very informative and helpful for our future. Makes the class fun. Thank you!!”
“I would say any and every couple can benefit from the class, no matter how long or short you have been together. Everything we learned from Joey will be a huge help everyday to make our relationship grow.”
“Great tool to really evaluate your life/relationship on how to be better and it is put in real life scenarios that help you relate.”
“A great way to openly discuss the joys and challenges of marriage in a relaxing, risk-free environment. Definitely worth our time!”
“Enjoyed this class very much! Brought to light a few topics (intimacy, discipline, etc.) that we hadn’t previously talked about. Enjoyed the instruction and the class worksheets.”
“The class gives you tools, guides, best practices and “wow” moments to help reinforce the love that brought you together.”
The Details:
What: Twogether in Texas is an 8 hour secular class for any couple, married or otherwise, who has a desire to learn marriage and communication skills.
Cost: $195.00 per couple, lunch included
Next Class: TBD
Where: Kindred Oaks
Who’s Teaching: Joey Wilson has been teaching the Twogether in Texas class at Kindred Oaks since 2008 and was trained by the producer of the program, Lutheran Social Services. Joey is a fun loving, family oriented guy that hails originally from Mobile, Alabama and in his spare time would fish from morning till the morning after!
It has been proven that couples who attend these types of classes have a 30% better chance of staying committed to one another!
Average spent on a wedding: $25,000.00. For one day.
Communication tools to last a lifetime: $195.00.
Happily Ever After: Priceless!
Register Now. Limited Space available for each class.
(512) 260-9690 or