Second Chances
A couple of folks I know of, are going through some pretty rough rides in life. Not just a hard day, but the literal existence of one. So, every day, I’m trying to wake up and be grateful to have a day to see the good in life, to appreciate a good sunset, a hot shower, a warm meal and a hug from a good friend, because someone somewhere, didn’t get that chance. I find myself hugging more now and that makes me smile.
In a way, isn’t everyday a day of redemption? A second chance to do it right, to not mess up, to earn back the trust, and to know that people really are just trying to get by the best way they know how, just like you and me? I get to see a lot of second marriages, a second chance on love, a second chance to learn to be better and a second opportunity to love deeper and more sacrificial.
We talk a lot about marriages, not just wedding planning and “special days”, but more along the long term ideal, a rejoicing of a life event, not just mere hours in a day. While doing some research for a future project on marriage, I sat in bed with a sort of sadness that came over me because I came face to face with my shortcomings, the reality that there have been many times in my own marriage, where I simply didn’t live up to the vows of honoring and respect, of being the consummate cheerleader, of being his best friend as much as he is mine. He deserves better. But the beautiful thing is that he constantly gives me second chances and thirds and fourths.
That’s the difference between a beautiful wedding of pinterest perfect memories and daily marriage with your one chosen partner. There is a longing beauty in seeing someone for who is underneath the make-up and sparkles, the shined shoes and bowties. Hardships bring forth earnestness, steadiness, wisdom and a calm acceptance of a life partner, if fought for. If won.
Every day is a choice. A choice to begin again, to forgive, to look in the mirror and realize she is hurting, not unlike you, that he needs assurance just like you. Everyone deserves a do over. Everyone deserves to know, yes truly know, that they are wonderful human beings and worth of so much better.
Jesus gives us do overs on the regular. Not everyone will agree with this philosophy, and that’s okay. He is my peace. I know that I’m not alone, that every time I say or do something unbecoming to someone else, the One who grieves is also the one who forgives. He gives me a second chance each and every day. Sometimes all day. I’m glad, because that allows me to turn around and do the same.
To those who don’t wake tomorrow, who didn’t get a second chance or do over, here on earth; know that you made a powerful difference in the lives of others and may we meet again on the other side of grace.
Beautiful! To God be the Glory! I can’t wait to see what He does on April 28th!!!