Yup, if you haven’t figured it out already, today is daylight savings time. We fell back an hour, got an extra of sleep if you were so lucky and perhaps a bit of a reset.
My cat wakes us up at dawn to be fed and like children who know nothing about clocks being set forward or back, did not recognize the “extra hour” part of the day. His needs are few but eating at the same time everyday is one of the critical ones.
This time of year is always somewhat of a reset for me, and a time to be extra thankful for the aches in my joints from working too hard and with it, the extra crinkles around my eyes. My brother passed away in November of 2014, much too young at age 48, and November was his favorite month. I got one of those facebook memories from the year before he died, asking that folks use November as a month to “refrain from political posts, focus on positive things, to mend fences, to re-establish lost connections and tell those in your circle of friends and family how much you love them and appreciate their friendship”. How precious those words are from someone no longer able to utter them.
So, on behalf of Keith Friend, who’s memory will never fade, I thank the Lord above for today. Another chance to mend fences and say ‘I love you’. Another day to celebrate the sunshine outside and to love and cherish my partner. I pray you do, too. <3
With thanksgiving,
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