Last month I wrote about the world on the cusp of opening up, of feeling a bit more alive and ready for a new chapter. I could not have underestimated that sense of shift any greater.
Someone uncapped the head of the fire hydrant and is using it for a drinking fountain that simply cannot be consumed quickly enough. Such is the urgency, the energy and the exhaustion appearing on the faces of everyone I meet. Over. Whelmed.
Don’t be fooled. It is but another of life’s distractions meant to steer you off course. We all know, even while we may not believe, that we each are expendable. Our jobs can be done by someone else, our emails will not be the undoing of life as we know it. Even as one life is ebbing, another is dawning. In the midst of scattered obligations, don’t forget what our pandemic taught us. We can live with less. We can live simpler. We can make time to breathe. Make time to fully embrace the joy in life.
So easily we forget. So easily distracted I can become. It’s time to enjoy the sunsets and sunrises. It’s time to enjoy the prisms of color that light up the sky.
Enjoy your Easter weekend with your families.
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